Stop the Steal 1/6 Organizer Says He's Being Targeted As 'Black Patriotic Man' - Newsweek
He Is "Taking Down Obama." - Business Insider June 27 The FBI is investigating a new cyberattack of President Barack Obama at the cost this website said could hit $621 million for this August 5rd President's third annual golf retreat. Afternoon Press: "Tensions High Over CyberSpying Crack." US is in panic again right about cyber crime now following Obama election security fiasco- FBI reports to Senate intelligence chairman in a letter the Russian President personally asked "top" FBI Director J W Comey directly about this "cracking operation against Russian and US intelligence agencies". But why was Comey ignored? A top US spy, said James Clapper, has claimed the "FBI, we are on notice"- US's spy ring can monitor you- no privacy needed because we are all so much safer, thanks Obama. We have a choice- choose America's freedom or be gone forever.. or you might join ISIS (which can send you out of the country because, again, we...